Erin Grudois-Gimbel
Erin Gruodis-Gimbel is a playwright, actor, and dramaturg currently in her senior year at Drew University. Her work has been produced at the Minnesota Fringe Festival, the Pittsburgh Fringe Festival, and with Walking Shadow Readers Theater, No Exit Theater Collective, and Drew University/Ensemble Studio Theater. Her newest play, Tony Ricci Has Acid Reflux, will be performed at Drew University in November 2021. She’s very grateful for the support and growth that working with Storyteller Studio and NJ Play Lab has provided, and she wishes the best in future endeavors for her cohort members.
Instagram: @eringruodisgimbel

Baba Yaga and the Federal Trade Commission
Baba Yaga and the Federal Trade Commission is a 10 minute play existing somewhere between corporate America and Eastern European mythology. This piece began with the idea “what if Baba Yaga had a QVC show?” and I wanted to run as far as I could with it, just for the fun of it. While I couldn’t run any farther than 10 pages, it’s wacky nature, nonrealistic setting, and focus on pure fun makes it my favorite piece I’ve written so far. I wrote Baba Yaga and the Federal Trade Commission before joining Storyteller Studio, but when I returned to it during the course of the studio, what I had learned helped me edit, tighten, and reframe the piece. Working with so many other artists, especially playwrights, put me in the right headspace and frame of mind to reevaluate my own writing, from the words to the structure, based on the work and the feedback of my cohort. This play wasn’t the one I worked on with the studio, but I found the work that we did on each other’s plays, especially on clarifying and streamlining story and plot, stuck with me after the sessions. Those craft practices made the editing of this piece easier and more fluid, and I’m so grateful for the role that Storyteller Studio played in crafting this piece!