Alison O'Brien
Alison O’Brien is a theatre artist who graduated Drew University with a focus in
new play development and directing; her work is often inspired by the small, quiet
moments that give a sense of magic and wonder in our day to day lives.

Trees In the Forest
Cast: Kate Fulton-John (Bea), Genevieve Windbiel (Hazel), Emily Rosales (Alexandria), Talia Smith (Nora/Lulu), Marley Mathias (Mother/Pine), Brandon Vita (Father/Arthur), and Emily Dzioba (Merlin)
Trees in the Forest is a piece about feeling lost and finding yourself through stories,
which is highly reflective of my time in the Storyteller Studio. Through the sharing of
their own work and support of the other members, I found myself feeling a little less
alone during the isolation that 2020-2021 brought many of us. As the piece
continues to be developed (and written), I will be taking the time spent with the
cohort as fuel to continue forward knowing that the piece was first found through
the support and guidance of the group.